Monday, February 10, 2014

Ascending to your Destiny

We all have a perfect destiny, and a divine spiritual DNA that comes from the Perfect Divine gene pool. This is what brings true change in us. We see this process of change often in Scripture. Think of Jacob who turned into Israel or Saul’s identity as a murderer being changed into Paul - the one who loved Christ and brought the gospel of Christ into the entire world. This is what we can expect as His children when our DNA changes into His. 

But, just like all of us, they also, walked around the mountain many times before they made a decision to start climbing their divine destiny in Christ. Only after they found their true identity and spiritual DNA, could they start ascending their ‘divine life’s’ mountain. Most often it is our circumstances that press us to move into our rightful place in life. We do not need to view our daily walk and current circumstances as negative or difficult. No, if we understand the Father’s love for us our focus could shift to the redeeming work He is busy with. I am very sure that if it wasn’t for my journey of pain and suffering, I would not be on this mountain today. Even through tears am I thankful that I am saved out of my past life, even if the journey is never just smooth sailing.

Before finding your true identity, the journey is very tiring, until you find His ‘Divine plan’ - and you surrender all. We need to know Yeshua and accept His sacrifice, understanding the depth of it, and then take our place in ‘YHVH’s divine plan’ for our lives.

One thing I am very sure of, and that is that His plan is not for us to keep on walking round and round the mountain - getting nowhere. No, we have to start climbing the mountain – step by step and overcome each obstacle on the way. He wants us to become overcomers.

We need to be willing to accept YHVH’s assessment of who we are. So, what is YHVH asking of us? ‘Are you willing My child, to let go of the name Simon Bar–Jonah and become Peter?  Are you? Are you willing to let go of your past?

Our divine spiritual DNA was engineered to supersede the circumstances of our natural life. I have in my spirit all that I need to overcome every mountain and obstacle in my life. I have all the revelation, truth, gifts as well as the Spirit of life in me, to overrule all darkness and death in me. After letting go of the old Retah, I could start climbing my ‘divine spiritual mountain’. My bloodline identity is being changed for eternity. By taking full responsibility for my mistakes, my past, my evil DNA, I could step by step trade the darkness for Light, lies for truth, double life for a life in Christ, double mind for a sound mind- the mind of Christ. That is His life in me. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men (John 1:4).

Once I have dealt with my old ways, my flesh, my DNA – all through repentance and the Blood of Yeshua, can I say – I have been redeemed and regenerated and I know who I am in Christ. The Retah I used to be is dead, gone and buried. The real me, created in His image and likeness, needs to be woken to take up the responsibility for my future. Then, can I start to climb my mountain, moving into my perfect destiny that YHVH has for me. No more trips around the mountain.

I often hear people say ‘Retah, I just need to find myself’. But, all you need is finding Yeshua and your spiritual DNA. Once Peter recognized the divinity of Yeshua, he found himself. That did not mean that he was perfect from that moment on. No, the man Yeshua called ’the rock’ still denied Yeshua three times. Yet, as far as YHVH was concerned, Peter would always be ‘the rock’. Peter’s life, the same as ours, was not connected to self, but to every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHVH.

Yeshua said to Peter ‘come’ (Math14:29) and he took what Yeshua said to heart – and he believed that he could do the impossible. Our destinies are not connected to self, but to what YHVH says! So, in every chaos in your life you can trade for order, for all darkness – light, because the stamp on your life of your new DNA is His divine plan and vision for your life. How the enemy hates this heavenly trading! But, why are people so afraid to trade the old for the new and the known for the unknown? The enemy keeps on whispering into our ears – you will never get out of this chaotic life and this evil DNA, you will amount to nothing. But Yeshua says, ‘Come, amount with Me. I will take you higher than you could ever go, just come. Step by step I will take you out; it is all inside of you. The weaker your flesh, the stronger your spirit is. Come! Climb with Me.’

It doesn’t matter what you come out off, or that you would have to start at the bottom – Ruth came out of Moab, I also came out of a very evil DNA, yet with a word from YHVH, and an answer on His call “come” we will all rise far above our level or circumstances. I read in the Word and see how Ruth’s losses were reversed, her reputation was elevated, and how she accomplished great things for YHVH. But you have to respond to His call, come!
The moment we respond to YHVH’s call and receive His words by faith, your spiritual DNA is birthed and your perfect destiny is activated - regardless of your past. YHVH is not looking for the ‘I know it all’ – He is looking for the one who will obey His call – “come” come up higher my child, come out of your evil DNA – “come!”

Believing is seeing, because faith enables us to see. Even if you start to climb today – see yourself at the top, in His perfect destiny for your life. I know in my life this year is the year of new things – new seasons, new visions, new ways, new revelation, new life!

1Co 2:9  But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has
not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made
and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence,
promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].

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