Thursday, July 17, 2014


这篇是现代浓缩版的地狱来鸿。推荐阅读鲁益师 (C.S.Lewis) 的经典著作”地狱来鸿” (Screwtape Letters) 。中文翻译名字很有趣叫做《大榔头写给蠹木的煽情书》


众魔头连连点头,其中魔头军师之一诡诈说:我 们无法使基督徒不信耶稣。我们也没办法拦阻神的福音。如果他们总是尽心,尽性,尽意,尽力爱主基督耶稣的话,我们的末日就必快快的来到!但是现在很多基督 徒还不知道,我们就要想尽一切办法让他们只信耶稣而不爱耶稣,我们现在所要做的就是如何来窃取他们爱主耶稣的时间,抢占他们爱主的心思与意念。




阴 险接着说:「让他们忙碌啊!让他们只为生活上的事忙碌,而忽略生命的重要。让基督徒们只专注今生的享受,而忽略永生的审判。尽力去制造世界的虚华来抢占他 们的心思与头脑!尽量地引诱他们去花钱!让花钱就能得享受,这样他们就会只看重钱的重要!并尽可能让作妻子外出长期工作,让作丈夫一周工作七天,每天工作 十二个小时已上,让他们拼命的去赚钱来满足他们买房,买车等享受的念头。

诡诈接着说:还 要想尽办法让做基督徒的父母们外出打工,在家的父母也只看重孩子的学习成绩及各种专业,让他们的孩子除了上课还不停地补奥数、补英语、学作文,练钢琴,学 画画,学舞蹈等等。让基督徒的孩子们再没有时间去教会的主日学,用尽一切方法拦阻基督徒的下一代到主耶稣面前去,我们就能让他们的下一代成为我们的俘虏。


邪情急忙插言说:还 要开展各种选美活动,让那些身材绞好、年轻貌美的女人只知道靠美貌来获取这世界的享受。让这些美人不停地出现在杂志与电视上,让这个世界只相信外在美才是 最重要的,这样男人这会就对自己妻子感到不满意。让他们的妻子就只会忙碌地去靠美容整容,化妆打扮来换取世界的虚荣,而根本无兴趣来读经,祷告,聚会亲近 他们的救主,不会爱主的女人也就根本不懂如何爱她们的丈夫。如果作丈夫的无法从妻子得到爱的话,那么丈夫们就必会到其它女人身上去找爱,这样一来,这个家 庭最终就必定会被我们拆散。

世俗也接着说:我 们还要让圣诞老人来取代耶稣基督降生是为拯救罪人的目的,叫世人只知圣诞要狂欢快乐,能收礼物,却不懂得圣诞节的真正意义。让复活节也只给孩子们复活蛋, 复活免。让他们忘记主耶稣的死后三天复活是个千真万确的事实!并能以这复活的大能可以帮助一切信神的人也能胜过罪与死。让基督徒热衷于各种风景旅游,忙着 去看各种球赛、各种名星演唱会、看热门电影、参加各种音乐会,让人爱世界,爱神的心就不在他们里面了。


所有恶魔们大喊:「这实在是个好办法!」「可行!太有用了!」[ 的确,这个计划实在太棒了!]”




Monday, July 7, 2014

Letter to J about evolution vs. creation

Dear J,

Before we dig into the details of evolution vs. creation, you must grasp several foundational understands in order to remain objective. 

1st, you need to know that you have not been presented with the full scope of scientific evidences and explanations in the public school. Only the Evolution theory is allowed in most public schools and often are taught as a matter of fact. Watch the 2008 Documentary "Expelled: no intelligence allowed" by Hollywood's own Ben Stein and you'll get a glimpse of that deliberate suppression in scientific establishments. Because Ben Stein dared to touch this tabooed topic, Hollywood attacked him also. If a famous and influential Hollywood actor and director is shunned for telling the truth, how much more your average public school teacher will be retaliated for going against the establishment? So even if your teacher is a creationist in heart, he will self-sensor and only teach according to the curriculum dictated by the evolutionist establishment. 

2nd, know that science is all about observing and discovering things that's already in the universe, whether it be physical objects or rules of operation. Since science walks in a discovering journey, new evidences appear all the time so are new interpretations of the evidences. Just search online for "scientific facts that have changed" and you'll find tons of scientific conclusions changed with time.  Therefore science is NOT absolute and NOT authoritative.

3rd,  attempts to explain the origin of human race by evolution is at the best a THEORY because no one was able to reproduce the process according to this theory. As I said before, science is all about discovering what already exists. We can make use of the existing material and rules of operation to create something new. But everything men-made has a beginning and has a purpose/design. No one has ever repeated the evolution process of human origin, or just a small animal, a plant...  It takes greater faith to believe that we evolved from random chance than to believe we are created with a purpose/design.

Talking about faith, remember if you can prove god exists, then that person is not God because he is within your realm of understanding and manipulation. Think of it this way, you have a dog and you can prove its origin and existence conclusively because you are the master. But will your dog be able to prove your existence? Of course not.

If God is God, He is your designer and without revelation (Himself points the way) you will not be able to prove His existence.  That is why the True God must come and reveal Himself. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and Life". That is why the bible continuously reminds us that no one have seen God and without Faith we can not please God.  So please do not fall into the trap of needing to prove God exists. You may find some evidence of His existence - His revelation through the nature, through the bible, through Jesus, through other believers, through historical archeological records... But you will not be able to prove Him exist conclusively. He is not subject to your approval. If you truly want to know Him,  be humble and ask Him to speak to your heart, and grant you the Holy Spirit to open your ears to hear. 

About the scientific details in Evolution vs. Creation, I'm surprised that even though you were struggling with your faith because of everything taught at the school, it never occurred to you to do your own research. It just shows how successful the anti-God brainwashing is.  You are always a bright and eager student, please do some research on the Creation science and you'll find a big field of study and body of evidences. I'll send you some websites also. 

May you find God again. He has never left. 
Love, Aunt S.

Book: Don't Waste your Life

I read this book when it first came out. I don't remember much detail, but I did remember the passion John Piper wanted to convey: Make the First Things First, Don't waste your Life!

Today an elder brother sent me an email asking for comment. It was a "chicken soup for the soul" style ppt - beautiful pictures plus philosophical sayings about the freedom in old ages. While responding to him, John Piper's book came to my mind. Piper gave an example of a retired couple excitedly describing their dream life - boat and beach, live care-free. It probably is a retirement dream for so many. Yet in the eyes of truth, it is wasting life away.

As I was looking for the book intro to send to the elder brother, happily found out that the book is available free from John Piper's website. So I'll share it here.  Hope it will give you a boost to a more passionately lived life that's not wasted.