Saturday, July 25, 2015


FROM:  HJ / 迈向锡安祷告中心

              但以理牧师Daniel Yahav说《出埃及记》17章是上帝第一次给人圣经经文。因为摩西五经都是之后写下来的,西乃山之约也是之后发生的。出埃及记17章这一仗是在西乃山之前打的。
               17:14 耶和华对摩西说:“我要将亚玛力的名号,从天下全然涂抹了,你要将这话写在书上作记念,又念给约书亚听。”
                 17:15 摩西筑了一座坛,起名叫耶和华尼西(就是“耶和华是我旌旗”的意思)
            一个当年参加过希特勒青年团的德国老人回顾说,当年他们青年团每天重复唱的纳粹歌曲,象烧刻在他的心版上了,几十年抹不掉。例如歌词: 今天德国属于我们,明天全世界。
          一个历史学者谈到,尽管这些17岁以下的希特勒青年团员缺乏作战的技术和经验,奇怪的是,他们年纪越小,越忠心于希特勒,越盲信德国的胜利。一个最突出的例子是“希特勒少年师”,别名叫“婴儿师” 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend
               1944 420日是希特勒的生日,那天少年师师长维特率领全师宣誓“尽心竭力参加即将到来的决定性战役”。伏击加拿大第27坦克团的战斗正是少年师参战后的第一杖。
              在战争结束的时候,很多德国军人急行军,不是执行任务,而是从苏联红军将要到来的地区赶到美军占领区,向美军投降,绝不要落入苏联红军的手中。为什么? 因为在人的尽头每一个人内心深处向往仁慈和怜悯。美军比苏联红军有怜悯。因为美军的大部分士兵是基督徒,连美军的将军们几乎都是基督徒。
               看见那一张张年幼的面孔,我们谁不感叹:“要是他们的父母带领他们为天国而战多好啊! 为耶稣献身,而不是为希特勒献身多好啊!”可悲的是,他们绝大部分是受洗过的基督徒。他们的父母没有把他们带进耶和华的军队,没有成为耶稣的战士,撒旦却这么容易地得到了他们,这么迅速地得到了整个德国的一代人。
               更可悲的是,今天德国教会重生得救的基督徒只有信徒的百分之一。他们吸取了70年前的教训了吗? 没有!


This Warrior is a Child

This article makes me think:

In recent years many Christian leaders fell big. Yes God is cleaning house and shaking all that can be shaken so the unshakable will remain. However the enemy is also escalating his attack on God's House. From without he's using violent extremists and immoral governments, from within he's using temptation, accusation and doubt. God is willing to expose the sins of His servants so they may be chastised and made stronger. The enemy is eager to bring down God's servants because he's at war with them. he knows bringing down the shepherds will scatter the sheep and make them easier to devour.

We can not afford to only recognize the visible war but fail to see the spiritual war. It is time for God's people to stand together and defend each other through fervent intercession, repentance and forgiveness. This applies to the persecuted brethren who are at a distance away, and to those who sit next to us each Sunday.   

I like the song the author mentioned - the warrior is a child. It must came from someone who has really battled. I know I am but a child because I run and hide all the time. I will always remain a child before my Father. I am also a warrior child who could slay giant like David, a warrior child who could be wounded by his own like David, and a warrior child who could fail hard like David. But I have eternity to grow up strong like my Father. We have eternity to grow up strong like our Father, by each others side. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Recent articles

Link several interesting articles that I read recently, some did not finish. Instead of bookmarking them, share here. 

Genom Engineering

The Turkish Enigma   

The warrior is a child      

Is this the end of Christianity in Middle East?   (emphatically no, but this give me a closer look of the suffering there)


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Life changing questions

Read author's original newsletter  

Ten Questions That Can Change Your Life

By Leslie Vernick

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

This newsletter will be short. I promise! But after you read it, it will require you to take some time to think through your life.  Many people sleep walk through life. They live by the clock and the calendar instead of having an internal compass that directs their steps.  

Take a minute and honestly answer these ten (10) questions!

You will get to know yourself better. You’ll discover what really matters to you and what you need to stop doing right now in order to free up your time and energy to become all that God has called you to be.  
What if….

10 Questions that Can Change Your Life

1. What if you inherited a bundle of money how would you spend it?

2. What if you inherited a bundle of money and did not need to continue working for a living, what would you change about what you do with your time and energy?

3. What if everything was the same for question #2 except you knew you only had 10 more years to live. What would you now do differently with the rest of your life?

4. What if everything was the same for question # 2, but now you only had one year to live. What would you immediately stop doing? What would you start doing differently?

5. What if you lived more often from your best self, what change would others most notice about you?

6. What if you could do yesterday over again, what would you do differently?

7. What if you truly believed (trusted) God loved you, forgave you and was for you, how would you feel different?

8. What if you truly believed (trusted) God’s version of reality, that this life is temporal. That there really is a heaven and really is a hell. What impact would it have on the way you lived today?  

9. What if you measured your life by only one standard, not by how much you got done or how much money you made, but how well you loved God and loved others?  How would you score?

10. What if you took some of the insights gained from honestly answering these questions and made changes to your life right now? What would they be?  How would you feel?

Don’t wait.  

You can start today to live differently. 


Sunday, July 19, 2015