Monday, June 2, 2014

Prayer Alert:同權運動之後是甚麼?



下一步是甚麼呢?變性人權利運動。就在上周之內我讀到三封完全不同出處的文章全是關於這一主題的。新一輪有計劃的運動登場了。    ( If you are offered by local post office the Harvey Milk stamp, you could refuse to accept and ask for the U.S. flag stamp instead)

Another one is from WeChat glorify a transgender person's new marriage. I won't bother to post.
Today I received another email warning about the so called "Queer Theology".

At first I did not want to post it, but I think believers should have strong enough faith to confront it instead of being protected in a greenhouse. So I post it and hope you will be informed and ready to reason, and stand your ground.

The speaker right out tells the goal of the LGBT movements - to erase the gender difference. He argues that the society should not make us choose our genders. He compares the LGBT movement with the paradox of the Christianity. How wrong! LGBT intend to muddle and erase identity for all, so no one is 100% as God created him/her. But God never erased the line of clean vs. unclean, holy vs unholy, male vs. female. Jesus was 100% man, but He is also 100% God. God is 100% holy, 100% righteous.....Yes and He is 100% love. God did not erase the boundaries, instead He helps us cross the high standards that we could not achieve on our own. Jesus meets us where we are, does not mean he wants us to remain where we are. Actually He wants us to be where He is! We must die 100% to gain life 100%, we must leave the world 100% in order to gain Christ 100%..... There is nothing queer about Christianity. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery "Go and Sin No More!"

Don't want to waste time to respond. That is not my gift. Just want to inform and ask you to pray. 

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