Wednesday, April 30, 2014

National Day of Prayer 2014 全美禱告日

The 63rd annual National Day of Prayer will take place Thursday, May 1, 2014. Millions will unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast. This year's theme, One Voice United in Prayer, is based on Romans 15:6: “So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ann Graham Lotz has joined Mrs. Shirley Dobson to help lead the nation in prayer as the Honorary Chairman. 

63 屆全美禱告日將於 2014 5 1 日星期 4 舉行。從東到西, 上百萬的人, 將在上千的集會中聯合為美國禱告。本年主題,一心一口 禱告,是根據羅馬書 15:6:「一心一口榮耀神,我們主耶穌基督的父。」。葛安妮勞茲為 2014 全美禱告日工作團榮譽主席, 將與雪莉杜布森女士,帶領全國禱告。

2014 NATIONAL PRAYER      2014 年全美禱告詞 
Ann Graham Lotz - NDP Honorary Chairman        葛安妮勞茲-全美禱告日榮譽主席

Lord of the Universe. Lord of this planet. Lord of the nations. Lord of our hearts. On this National Day of Prayer, we look to You... In the darkness, You are our Light. In the storm, You are our Anchor.
宙的主。地球的主。萬國的主。我們心靈的主。在這全美禱告日,我們仰望祢... 在黑暗中,祢是我們的光。在風暴中,祢是我們的錨。

In our weakness, You are our Strength. In our grief, You are our Comfort. In our despair, You are our Hope. In our confusion, You are our Wisdom. In time of terrorism, You are our Shield. In time of war, You are our Peace. In times of uncertainty, You are the Rock on which we stand. 
在我們的軟弱中,祢是我們的力量。在我們的悲哀中,祢是我們的安慰。 在我們的絕望中,祢是我們的盼望。 在我們的迷惘中,祢是我們的智慧。 在恐怖主義的時候,祢是我們的盾牌。在戰爭的時候,祢是我們的和平。 在不穩定的時候,祢是我們的磐石,我們站在其上。

We make our prayer to You using the words of the prophet Daniel:

O Lord, You are the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments. You are merciful and forgiving. You are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame because we have sinned against You, and done wrong. We have turned away from Your commands and principles. We have turned away from You. (Daniel 9:4, 7)
主啊,大而可畏的神,向愛主守主誡命的人,守約施慈愛。祢是憐憫;饒恕人的。祢是公 義的,但如今我們是臉上蒙羞的,因我們都得罪了祢,做了錯事。我們違背了祢的命令與 法則。我們遠離了祢。

Yet You have promised in 2 Chronicles 7, that if we–a people identified with You–would humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways, then You would hear our prayer, forgive our sin and heal our land.
然而祢在歷代志下 7 章應許,若我們-稱為祢名下的子民-自卑,禱告,尋求祢的面, 離我們的惡行,祢必垂聽我們的禱告,赦免我們的罪,醫治我們的地。

So we choose to stop pointing our finger at the sins of others, and examine our own hearts and lives. We choose to acknowledge our own sin–our neglect and defiance and ignorance and even rejection of You. This day we choose to repent.
因此我們選擇停止指向他人的罪,而省察我們自己的心及生活。我們選擇承認我們自己的 -我們對祢的忽略,背逆,無知甚至拒絕。今日我們揀選悔改。

In response to our heartfelt repentance, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Father of Jesus Christ, in keeping with all Your righteous acts and according to Your promise, turn away Your anger and Your wrath from the United States of America. Hear the prayers and petitions offered to You on this National Day of Prayer, as we give You our full attention. Give ear, our God, and hear; open Your eyes and see. We do not make requests of You because we are righteous, but because of Your great mercy.  
亞伯拉罕,以撒及雅各的神,耶穌基督的父,回應我們存心的悔改,守著祢一切的義行, 照著祢的應許,請轉離祢對美利堅合眾國的氣憤與忿怒。當我們給祢完全的注意,請聽在 全國禱告日這天獻上的禱告與祈求。我們的神,張開祢的耳而聽;張開祢的眼並且看顧。 我們向祢祈求不是因為我們公義,而是因為祢的大憐憫。

For the glory of Your Name hear our prayer, forgive our sin, and heal our land. We ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ who offers us salvation from Your judgment, forgiveness for our sin, and reconciliation with You through His own blood shed on the Cross. Amen.
為了祢的榮耀聽我們的禱告,赦免我們的罪,醫治我們的地。我們請求乃是奉祢兒子耶穌 基督的名,祂給我們救恩,免於祢的審判,饒恕我們的罪,並因著祂自己在十字架上所灑 的血,使我們與祢和好。阿們。

2014 請為 7 方面及領導禱告 – Government 政府, Church 教會, Military 軍事, Family 家庭, Education 教育,Media 媒體, Business 商業。

Government 政府 求神賜我們的領導們智慧,明辨及向祂旨意敞開的心。(提前 2:1-2; 13:1-2)

Church 教會 為眾教會禱告,當神啓發及給它們能力去裝備「聖徒」時,求神留意及保護它們。 (歌羅西書 2:6-8;約翰福音 17:23)

Military 軍事 禱告求神賜給我們的軍隊及領導們勇氣,保護及賜力量給他們和家人。 (歷代志下 32:6-8;羅馬書 5:1-5) 

Family 家庭 禱告求主保護及賜力量給家庭,婚姻並給關係帶來醫治。(馬可福音 3:25;羅馬書 12:9- 13) 

Education 教育 禱告我們教育中神的同在,並請為教師及行政人員祈求神,那些尊崇神的法度,保護兒童 及啓發學生發現他們神的呼召的教師及行政人員。(箴言 2:3-6; 詩篇 1:1-2)

Media 媒體 為媒體中基督徒的影響禱告,從電影,電視,收音機到報紙及雜誌出版。(腓立比書 4:8;箴言 8:10-11) 

Business 商業 祈求神聖的介入在我們全國,各州及地方的經濟。(出埃及記 31:3-4;歷代志上 29:17)

President: Barack Obama 總統 歐巴馬
Vice President: Joseph Biden 副總統 拜登
Secretary of State: John Kerry 國務卿 凱瑞
Secretary of the Treasury: Jack Lew
財政部長 盧傑克
Secretary of Defense: Chuck Hagel 國防部長 海格爾
Attorney General: Eric H. Holder Jr. 總檢察長 賀爾德 (Dept. of Justice 司法部)
Secretary of the Interior: Sally Jewell 內政部長 潔威爾
Secretary of Agriculture: Thomas J. Vilsack 農業部長 魏爾賽
Secretary of Commerce: Penny Pritzker 商業部長 普利茲克
Secretary of Labor: Thomas E. Perez 勞工部長 培瑞茲
Secretary of Health & Human Services: Kathleen Sebelius 衛生部長 薩必利斯 (4/14 辭職中) Secretary of Housing & Urban Development: Shaun Donovan 住屋及都市發展部長 鄧那文
Secretary of Transportation: Anthony Foxx 運輸部長 福克斯
Secretary of Energy: Ernest Moniz 能源部長 莫涅茲
Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan 教育部長 鄧肯
Secretary of Veteran Affairs: Eric K. Shinseki 榮民部長 辛塞奇(新關)
SecretaryofHomelandSecurity: JehJohnson國土安全部長強生
All Branches of the Armed Forces 陸海空各軍長
U.S. Supreme Court 美國最高法院 (
John G. Roberts Jr. (Chief Justice) 首席大法官 羅伯茲
Antonin Scalia (Associate Justice) 大法官 史卡利亞
Anthony M. Kennedy (Associate Justice) 大法官 甘迺迪
Clarence Thomas (Associate Justice) 大法官 湯瑪士
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Justice) 大法官 金斯柏格
Stephen G. Breyer (Associate Justice) 大法官 布瑞爾
Samuel A. Alito, Jr. (Associate Justice) 大法官 阿利託
Sonia M. Sotomayor (Associate Justice) 大法官 梭多麥歐
Elena Kagan (Associate Justice) 大法官 蓋根

(Search the Web, contact your local library, or call your state capitol building for specific names. For the latest information, go to 請上網, 向當地圖書館, 或向州政府詢各別名稱. 新消息,請上網)

U.S. Senator 參議員: ____________________
U.S. Senator 參議員: ____________________
U.S. Representative 衆議員: _____________________
Governor 州長: _________________________.
Lt. Governor 副州長: ___________________________
State Senator 州參議員: __________________.
State Assemblyman 州衆議員: ______________.
State Supreme Court Justices 州最高法院法官:___________________________.

County Officials 郡官員: ______________.
Court Officals 法院官員:____________.
City Officials 市議員: ________________..
Judges 法官: _____________________.
Mayor市長: ___________________.
FireDepartment消防隊長: ______________.
School Authorities (Public & Private) 公私立學校校長/區長_______________. 

請參閱英文網站 及購買有關英文禱告指南 Please go to the website for English prayer resources.  中文禱告推動: Metawake Revival & Evangelism 再興福音協會 English/Chinese bilingual ©2014


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