家書 8/6/2014:
When the mountains fall
And the tempest roars You are with me
When creation folds
Still my soul will soar on Your mercy
I'll walk through the fire
With my head lifted high
And my spirit revived in Your story
And I'll look to the cross
As my failure is lost
In the light of Your glorious grace
Let the ruins come to life
In the beauty of Your Name
Rising up from the ashes
God forever You reign
And my soul will find refuge
In the shadow of Your wings
I will love You forever
And forever I'll sing
When the world caves in
Still my hope will cling to Your promise
Where my courage ends
Let my heart find strength in Your presence
And the tempest roars You are with me
When creation folds
Still my soul will soar on Your mercy
I'll walk through the fire
With my head lifted high
And my spirit revived in Your story
And I'll look to the cross
As my failure is lost
In the light of Your glorious grace
Let the ruins come to life
In the beauty of Your Name
Rising up from the ashes
God forever You reign
And my soul will find refuge
In the shadow of Your wings
I will love You forever
And forever I'll sing
When the world caves in
Still my hope will cling to Your promise
Where my courage ends
Let my heart find strength in Your presence
禮拜完,我告訴Matt ,帶得真好,也告訴他,Beka唱得好,我深受感動, 並翻日記給他看,裡面還寫著Beka 的名字。Matt眼睛一亮,高興地說,“Beka說這歌有打動她 的心,但她覺得今天唱得不好。您日記上所寫的, 必會給她大的鼓勵!”於是立即打電話給她,她已走了, 正要去上班,但還未走太遠,Matt叫她回來,說,“ Pastor wants to talk to you。” 隔15分鐘,Beka回來了,我打開日記,指給她看,讀給她聽, 她眼眶都紅了。然後她去上班,Matt跟我討論下主日他要講的信 息。討論完才發現所有人都走了,只剩下我們兩個人。回到家, 兒子也說,“今天的敬拜真好。”是的, 是神聽了我們誠懇單純的禱告。
前些天東岸眾教會的家人們在線上交通禱告,七嘴八舌, 你一句我一句,滿了喜樂。禱告完,已集體創作了一段句子。好玩, 與您分享:
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