Friday, November 8, 2013

The God who Devastates

This is a very poignant message from the late Art Katz. It started slow, but definitely worth your attention to the end.

Listen here:


share a paragraph from the recent newsletter of Retah McPherson:

Holiness is not the absence of sin, but the presence of YHVH in our lives. In His presence you would not want to serve Satan and Yeshua. With His fire in us, it is not a case of sinning, or not sinning, about doing this or not doing it. No, it becomes away of living because the fire of YHVH devours the desires of the flesh and self. It burns away the impurities until we are living for YHVH alone. Holiness - is walking the journey of sanctification.The more we repent with a real broken heart - not just merely saying the words because you have to please someone, but being washed by the Blood of Yeshua through true repentance - the more pure and blameless lives we will start to live. And if this is too hard for you and does not come from a humble heart,then you have to go and search whoes character you have - your father Satan’s,or your Abba Father’s? Humbleness can not be bought, it cannot be claimed, or faked, no it is a beautiful fragrance that will linger over you, because that is the fragrance that is around the throne room of YHVH. You get many other smells, but there is only one original fragrance - and that comes from a broken contrite spirit, being one with your Abba.”


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