2013「回家」異象分享事由:15年前,因著一群忠心的信徒,順服主彼此同心同行,改變了加拿大的命定並促成該國政界的轉化。近年來, 他們的委身感染了亞洲及世界各地的信徒, 紛紛興起加入同行的行列。自2010年於香港所舉辦「回家」 特會算起,這場盛會已連續舉辦了三年(http://www. asiagathering.hk/)。 家人同行結出極為佳美的果子: 中國家五大家教會的合一和東西方教會屬靈權柄的轉移。
過去兩年多來,美國東岸華人也開始為同樣的異象聚集。雖然我們還在摸索該如何同行, 卻已見證了神豐盛的恩典及教會合一的美好!今年四月, 趙仲權牧師(Gideon Chiu) 與戴冕恩牧師(David Demian),以及其他來自各地的家人將來到我們當中, 分享家人同心同行的異象及策略,以及這個呼召的必要性與急迫性 ; 並分享神命西方教會將權柄移交給東方教會的異象、 責任與托付。家人同行的呼召並不僅止於華人, 神的心意乃是萬國萬民都歸向祂。因此我們敬邀東岸各地的家人、 朋友一同前來參與這難得的「回家」異象分享會!
日期、地點及對象:1.華府地区:Rockville Assembly of God Church, 14225 Glen Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20850: 4月24(星期三)7:30 PM及4月25 (星期四) 9:30 AM--4:30 PM是為眾教會牧師、師母及同工、職場領袖、代祷者等。4月25 (星期四) 晚上7:30PM擴大聚集是開放给所有會眾、弟兄弟姐妹。
2. 紐約地区:角声使命中心, 156-03 Horace Harding Expressway, Flushing, NY 11367:4月26 (星期五) 7:30PM及4月27 (星期六) 9:30AM--4:30 PM是為眾教会牧師、師母及同工、職場領袖、代祷者等。4月27 (星期六)晚上7:30PM擴大聚集是開放给所有會眾、弟兄弟姐妹。
2013 Homecoming Vision SharingIntroduction:
A group of remnants in Canada have been walking together in one accord for more than 15 years, and as a result, they have seen their country’s destiny shifted from punishment and seen positive changes in their government. Their walk has also inspired remnants in Asia and other countries to start walking together and seeking God’s heart. There has been three Homecoming gatherings (www.asiagathering.hk) in Hong Kong since 2010, and the fruits of these meetings include the unity of the underground churches in China, and the transfer of spiritual authority from the West to the East.
During the past couple year, a group of the Chinese remnants have also started the “family journey.” Although the journey is still new to many of us, we have seen much grace and good fruit as a result of their unity. In April 2013, Pastor Gideon Chiu, David Demian, and others who have been involved in the journey from other parts of the world will come to the US East coast. They will share with us the vision for the journey, their experiences, the urgency and the timing we are living in, as well as the important roles that the Chinese Church is playing in this hour and the responsibility comes with it. We sincerely welcome all who would like to know about Homecoming and walking together to join us at this vision-sharing meeting.Details:1. DC area:Rockville Assembly of God Church, 14225 Glen Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20850: 4/24 Wednesday 7:30 PM & 4/25 Thursday 9:30 AM--4:30 PM are for pastors, coworkers, lay leaders, intercessors…etc. 4/25 Thursday evening 7:30PM will be open to all.2. NY Area: Chinese Christian Herald Crusades, 156-03 Horace Harding Expressway, Flushing, NY 11367:4/26 Thursday 7:30 PM & 4//27 Saturday 9:30 AM--4:30 PM are for pastors, coworkers, lay leaders, intercessors….etc. 4/27 Saturday evening 7:30PM will be open to all.Others:• Languages used for the meetings: English / Chinese• There will be no child care, but children can join the public gathering.
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